Archive for the tag: Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents – 10 Tips

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Let’s Grow Your Real Estate Marketing:
Take a few minutes and check out these 10 Real Estate Marketing tips to help grow your brand.

1) Establish your niche. What type of real estate do you focus on? What price ranges? What neighborhoods? Be as specific as possible so you can build your branding, audience and all your marketing campaigns around it! Start very niche, you can always expand later. But try to become the local expert in one area before expanding out.

2) Build a highly convertible and professional website (mobile first) which targets your niche! Use a strong IDX listing program like IDX Broker which allows you to get the design, functionality and SEO value you need to succeed! Take pride in your content – your website is your 24/7 sales person that never calls in sick! Build in strong call to actions with your information so people can reach out! Make it easy to request more info, request walkthroughs and more. Also make it easy for people to share properties on social media! Make sure your design has lots of local images so it feels at home with your visitors.

3) Build a strong presence on social media! Share pictures and videos about all the new properties that pop up on the market inside of your niche. Share information and tips about your niche, be the clear expert! The main platforms to focus on are Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for this. High quality images are key. Leave call to actions to direct message you for walk-throughs or more info! Make sure to spend money to run Social Targeting Ads® to promote your content and get it in front of more people in your area!

4) Create lots of videos! One idea outside of videos about the specific properties is to write down questions you are asked during the week and make videos of those things to share on social media! You can also create a weekly email campaign or text message campaign which emails or texts people interested in getting alerts about new properties! People can subscribe to these lists via your website or CRM. More about a CRM in tip 5!

5) Use a CRM! Keep detailed notes on your leads & clients, send automated emails for holidays, birthdays and more. Check-in & follow up with clients and keep them engaged! Build your CRM so you can quickly search and sort by things like neighborhood, number of bedrooms, etc.. so you can call and email prospects quickly about new properties.

6) Invest in building a strong online Reputation. Before people work with you, they will research you. Give a review from every buyer and seller you work with! Even if they don’t buy, but the experience was good, ask for a review!

7) Get on 1st page of Google for your top niche keywords (organically and paid). Spend money to be on top of the page for your very best search terms. Also make sure to build pages on the different types of properties you sell, the locations, neighborhoods, etc.. Research the best keywords, then build pages for them and add content and pull in ongoing blog posts about it. One idea for blogging is to do a blog on each property and make a video! If you need help with keyword research, give us a call and we’ll help you for free.

8) Run retargeting ads on google display network, youtube, facebook and instagram, etc.. People are often in research mode for many months when it comes to real estate, you want to stay in front of them so they think of you first! Change your ads each week to showcase new properties in the niche you sell. Build lists for each niche you sell so it’s highly targeted! Build lists of people that watch your social videos or engage with your content as well.

9) Target groups, businesses and organizations nearby which fit your niche audience on social media. Build campaigns to target them. Offer them deals!

10) Use an all-in-one marketing platform which has both the talent & technology you need to succeed.

Conclusion – Thanks for watching. If you found this content helpful please take a second and like, share and comment. Also make sure to follow us for more great content just like this down the road or text “marketing” to 39970 to opt into our weekly marketing tip text messages. Happy marketing!

#Real Estate Marketing Tips #Real Estate Marketing Suggestions #Realtor Marketing Tips

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What are effective digital marketing ideas for real estate agents? How can I use digital advertising to get real estate leads? Are Yelp and Google My Business worth it?

Digital marketing is a powerful way to find new leads for your real estate business. Social media and online directories are a few ways to promote your services online to reach a wide audience.

Without a digital marketing plan, your real estate business misses out on vital leads that can lead to your next client. In this video, Bryan Collins shares his top 3 digital marketing strategies to get you started with this new advertising venture.


00:00 – Special Introduction with Bryan Collins
00:50 – Facebook & Instagram Advertising
01:30 – YouTube & Google Advertising
02:44 – Online Directions (Yelp & Google My Business)
04:03 – BONUS STRATEGY to give you EXTRA BOOST in lead gen
04:48 – One last thing…

#RealEstateMarketing #DigitalMarketing #RealEstateAds


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4 Principles of Marketing Strategy | Brian Tracy

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A short clip from my Total Business Mastery seminar about the 4 Principles of Marketing Strategy. Want to know: How do I get customers? How do I determine my target markets? What’s my competitive advantage?

Move toward any goal, big or small with my FREE guide in the link above.
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online marketing, marketing concepts, marketing 101, marketing techniques, best marketing strategies,
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