This video explains why I decided to pursue a degree in real estate. Thank you for watching.


Music: Brenticus, Progressive House

License, not certificate excuse my slip up.


For those who aren’t in the real-estate career, the real-estate industry is MASSIVE. Besides sales there are plenty of paths that you can take and many different real-estate career paths. Real-estate offers many different careers and many ways to make money,

Get a real-estate license ONLINE!:
Real-estate Agency

This is by the far the most popular and most lucrative. At the same time, it can be very stressful and difficult to start. %90 of my income comes from real-estate brokering.

Sales atmosphere
Your income is determined by how hard you work
Work anywhere
Little to know income the first few months

2. Real-Estate Investing

Traditionally, real-estate investing is generating income through rents of properties that you own. The VAST majority of real-estate investors tend to not be real-estate agents. BUT being a real-estate agent allows you many opportunities to invest in real-estate.

Passive income through real-estate investments
Capital gains that you get thru investments
The vast majority of real-estate investor are part-time and don’t have real-estate licenses

3. Property Management

Property management is a person that charges %10 to oversee an investors rental property:

Property managers typically charge %10 to manage property
Collect payments, fix issues, and find new tenants
Can be done by anyone with a real-estate license
Considered a thank less job

4. Mortgage Origination

This is the person involved in helping people get loans:

Very similar to brokerage/agency industry in that it’s mostly sales and can be lucrative
You must have a license to originate loans for others
Unique because there are plenty of salaried jobs to choose from as opposed to realtors
You’re in the business of selling to realtors

5. Real-estate Development

Real-estate development is similar to investing but your are improving the land or property:

Find a way to improve a piece of property and add value to it
Requires NO education and is possibly one of the most high-risk/reward businesses EVER
Very difficult to break into and you will likely have to risk serious amounts of money

6. House Flipping

House flipping is very simple to understand 1. You buy a house 2. Fix it up 3. HOPEFULLY sell it for a profit

House flipping is not nearly as lucrative as many people thinks. The average profit on a flip is around ,000
Very high risk for beginners
Can be done with little to no money
Once you get good it, can be done consistently

7. Coaching, You-tubing, Blogs, Books

Real-estate is an industry where many people need to learn ways to make money. Real-estate provides fantastic ways to:

Teach people how to invest, broker, and/or lead generate
Sell info products. ads, and/or affiliate links
My content marketing produces around 00 a month in passive income each month
Produces exposure marketing

8. Appraisal

Appraising is required when a individual purchases a home with a loan:

Perform a systemic way of valuing property
Great for people who are very analytical
Steady paycheck and relatively easy to get into
License required

9. Home inspection

A home inspection is very similar to the way it sounds. A licensed individual goes thru a house and makes a note of all noted issues with the house:

Typically you work for a salaried individual
Many people go off and start their own business
Going to be prospecting and being around realtors

10. Real-Estate Photography

Real-estate photography is it’s own sub-set or genre in the photography world and in great demand:

Real-Estate photos can make or break a listing
It requires a certain skill to take good real-estate pictures
If you can make a house look great in photos, you can charge extra

11. Lead generation, SEO, Social Media Consulting, Online Marketing Services

The business of real-estate is lead generation, so it makes sense that people will try to sell realtors lead generation services.

SEO and helping realtors, appraisers, etc get to the top of Google,
Social Media (especially Youtube) consulting for helping individreal estate career
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