Where are we in the Real Estate Market Cycle?

To download the Financial Stress Test that Ken mentioned in the video go to this link: https://www.KenMcElroy.com/StressTest/

Join Ken as he compares the current moment to his past experience with a downturn in the market.

Be sure to click the bell to be notified as soon as I post the next video in the series.

Ken’s Social Media

Instagram: https://goo.gl/i7BjZd
Facebook: https://goo.gl/TpbH2S
Twitter: https://goo.gl/sDsgUA
LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/Zs1398

Ken’s Books:

ABC’s of Real Estate Investing: https://goo.gl/ze5RzL
The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing: https://goo.gl/5sQ1SS
ABC’s of Property Management: https://goo.gl/hjUUah
The Sleeping Giant: https://goo.gl/iZZalj

Ken is the author of the bestselling books The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, The ABC’s of Property Management, and most recently his book on entrepreneurship: The Sleeping Giant. Ken is a Rich Dad Advisor.

Ken’s company: https://www.MCCompanies.com

If you are interested in this topic you can find more information out at the links below.

We are already in a recession: Can we make it a short one?www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/04/03/we-are-already…
4 days ago – If the COVID-19 pandemic can be controlled, good policy may be able to steer to a quick return from the economic shock. Policymakers have …

What is a depression? Could we have one in the U.S. due to …fortune.com/2020/04/04/are-we-headed-for-a-depression-coronav…
3 days ago – The U.S. economy is hurtling towards a recession as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but some … Are we headed for a depression?

Forget ‘recession’: this is a depression | David Blanchflower …www.theguardian.com/apr/recession-depression-data-coronavirus
3 days ago – There is no doubt about it: the UK and many other European countries are already in a depression. We think of a depression as even worse than …

The coronavirus recession is already happening – Voxwww.vox.com/policy-and-politics/coronavirus-news-recession-eco…
Mar 26, 2020 – In recent days, I spoke to half a dozen economists about the state of the US economy and this question: Are we in a recession? The resounding ..
Video Rating: / 5

In this video Ken walks through the 4 stages of a real estate cycle and gives his best estimate as to were some of the local US markets are.

Ken’s Social Media

Instagram: https://goo.gl/i7BjZd
Facebook: https://goo.gl/TpbH2S
Twitter: https://goo.gl/sDsgUA
LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/Zs1398


Ken’s Books:

ABC’s of Real Estate Investing: https://goo.gl/ze5RzL
The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing: https://goo.gl/5sQ1SS
ABC’s of Property Management: https://goo.gl/hjUUah
The Sleeping Giant: https://goo.gl/iZZalj


Ken is the author of the bestselling books The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, The ABC’s of Property Management, and most recently his book on entrepreneurship: The Sleeping Giant. Ken is a Rich Dad Advisor.

Learn more about Ken at: https://www.KenMcElroy.com

Ken’s company: https://www.MCCompanies.com


https://www.KenMcElroy.com is a resource for Entrepreneurs and Real Estate Investors.


For more resources on this topic check out the links below.

2019: Where Are We In The Real Estate Cycle? – Cody Shirk

2019: Where Are We In The Real Estate Cycle?

Jan 7, 2019 – 2019: Where Are We In The Real Estate Cycle? “Unfortunately, bubbles are only recognized with 100 percent certainty in 20/20 hindsight,” says the man who accurately predicted the 2008 housing crash and the beginning the current housing slowdown. Clue #1 – Longest bull market in modern financial history. Clue #2 – Low …

Real Estate And The Cycle | Seeking Alpha
Real Estate And The Cycle. Feb. 14, 2019 3:46 AM ET … To a certain extent, real estate is where economic theory goes to die. One possibility is … However, the herd tendencies in the housing market may now overwhelm the industrial cycle.

5 Reasons 2019 Is The Most Important Year For Housing In 10 Years
Jan 14, 2019 – 2019 will be the most pivotal year in US housing and commercial real estate since … Investing I share insights on real estate investing and Opportunity Zones. …. Conditions vary with each economic cycle, but the government …

Council Post: Should Investors Wait For The Next Real Estate Crash …
… of the participating individuals. 5,434 views Mar 26, 2019, 09:00am … Helps passive investors grow wealth through real estate. … What I am saying is that investors should adjust their expectations based on the stage of the real estate cycle.

What If You Buy A Home At The Top Of The Market? A Look At The …
Here’s a deep dive into the real estate cycle and what happens if you time your … For investing opportunities in 2019, Sam is most interested in investing in the …

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