Archive for February, 2022

Money Counts Book Read Aloud. Written By Shirley Duke.

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Complete Anterior Skull Base Dissection: Mumbai 2020

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This is a complete anterior skull base cadaveric dissection captured from the Workshop on Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Nanavanti Super Speciality Hospital in collaboration with Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital (Sion Hospital) Mumbai, India on the 9th February 2020.

The dissection and narration is performed by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Prepageran Narayanan from University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2:17 Endoscopic sinus dissection with basic instruments
15:27 Endoscopic sinus dissection with a powered instrument
29:20 Endoscopic approach to the orbit and orbital decompression
42:00 Endsocopic medial maxillectomy and Denker’s
54:40 Infratemporal fossa
1:10:44 Intranasal flaps
1:21:27 Cavernous sinus, Meckel’s cave , Transsellar and Transplanum approach
2:07:08 Transclival approach
2:17:49 Frontal sinus dissection and Transcribriform approach
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